Using your hands doesn’t demand much cognitively. It gives your mind a chance to rest and relax. Working with your hands can help take your brain offline and gives your the chance to work on problems behind the scenes. Working with your hands is profoundly pleasurable. We are made to be active and technology counters that. Using our hands allows us to maintain a healthy mood, and the lack of this ability can increase irritability, apathy and depression.
Key Takeaways:
- Sometimes people come up with breakthrough ideas while they are working on repetitive tasks with their hands.
- Humans were made to be active and spent thousands of years primarily working with their hands.
- People who don’t spend time working with their hands may feel more apathetic, depressed, and irritable.
“I get a huge sense of relief and pleasure from doing something with my hands that doesn’t require me to think much about anything. It’s magnificent.”