Why Are BrainSpeak®
Programs So Powerful?
Our Proprietary BrainSpeak® Sound Patterns
Our Powerful BrainSpeak® Sound Pattern Technology is built around the proprietary brain & mind enhancing natural, organic sound patterns developed by the late neuroscientist John-David.
Also known as “psycho-acoustics,” BrainSpeak® Sound Technology is the single most effective way to balance and enhance brain function.
BrainSpeak Subliminal Affirmations
Audible and inaudible affirmations, inspired by the work of Dr. Milton Erickson, John Grinder, Dr. Richard Bandler and Peter Julian are expertly crafted using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (the impact words have on our thinking and internal images) and Ericksonian hypnosis (a very effective but gentle permissive form of hypnosis), to create affirming and supportive messages that are designed to provide both conscious and unconscious experiences of profound change.
The Original Silent Subliminal Technology
Just imagine powerful subliminal messages recorded at high frequencies that are not masked by music or any other sound but are essentially inaudible to your conscious mind! Play them anywhere, anytime while driving, eating, watching TV, even while you sleep.
Now you can experience the latest achievement in subliminal technology!

This Experience was Beyond Belief!
This is the most mind-blowing-est, most audacious work I have ever heard. I often feel my brain 'move' when I'm concentrating hard... but this experience was beyond belief... I can hardly wait for the next step!

I Experienced Clearer, More Defined Thoughts...
I experienced clearer, more defined thoughts, and my concentration deepened; I also experienced increased creativity... I noticed in my studies that I was making more connections and extrapolations than usual. I found it to be something enlivening... with the attitude of 'I love my brain.'

Better Assimilation and Retention
In studying things, I'm not going back over them so much, definitely better assimilation and retention. I am also synthesizing things better... I am more creative... It's helping me in my professional studies.