February 23


Why Practice Makes Perfect: How to Rewire Your Brain for Performance

By Margaret

February 23, 2019

The neurons located in our brains include dendrites that can activate the growth of myelin, which is the grey matter surrounding our brain. Why is this important, you ask? Because myelin is partially what allows our brain to maintain flexibility and retain new skills. Studies are showing that one of the best ways to help your myelin levels thrive is by participating in activities that help you practice and develop skills while exercising the dendrites in your brain.

Key Takeaways:

  • Various parts of the brain are activated when we first perform any task which might involve the motor functions or verbal language skills.
  • Through a process called myelination, the brain is helping coordinate itself for the various skills we are doing as long as we keep practicing them.
  • Neurons are connected to other neurons by axons and when the parts of the brain communicate, they send electrical charges down the axons to each neuron.

“Science has shown us that the brain is incredibly plastic – meaning it does not “harden” at age 25 and stay solid for the rest of our lives. While certain things, especially language, are more easily learned by children than adults, we have plenty of evidence that even older adults can see real transformations in their neurocircuitry.”

Read more: https://blog.bufferapp.com/why-practice-actually-makes-perfect-how-to-rewire-your-brain-for-better-performance


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