December 27


The One Way To Beat A Narcissist

By Peter Julian

Narcissists are the worst type of abusers because they don’t believe they’re in the wrong. They’re manipulative individuals that seek to keep chains on people they want to control. They use underhanded illegal methods as part of their manipulation not caring who they hurt in the process. The example used in this case was an individual that simply wanted to make someone’s life a living hell. They used the court mandates to continue to control and abuse the family. That carelessness in one comment put an end to that manipulative streak and freed the ones abused from the control of the narcissist.

Key Takeaways:

  • Narcissists can be overly-focused on their goals, to the exclusion of everyone else.
  • Narcissists harm everyone in their path, and are best outsmarted, when they violate codes of human decency.
  • Consulting with experts, and strategizing to exploit the narcissist’s lack of empathy is the best way to beat them at their own game.

“Not only did Rick fail to ask about his child’s health, but he also unknowingly confirmed he was tracking Sally, which revealed his true motive.”

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