January 21


How To Be Confident – 5 Ways That Actually Work

By Peter Julian

There are many ways to be more confident in something you believe in. One of the most common ways is to fake it until you make it. It seems a strange, but surprisingly works. Take care of the little things that involve you directly. Self care activities for example. Taking care of yourself is one of the simplest , yet effect ways. You have to remember people see you as you see yourself. Make sure you self image is great.

Key Takeaways:

  • Martial arts (e.g., MMA, Kickboxing and Ju-Jitsu) provide an excellent way to boost confidence.
  • Others see you how you see yourself, so treat your flaws like they’re no big deal.
  • Set boundaries with friends, co-workers and dating partners and don’t sacrifice them.

“However, if you commit to taking care of the simplest things like making your bed, you’ll gain a small sense of pride and an urge to move to another task.”

Read more: https://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/how-to-be-confident-5-ways-that-actually-work/

About the author

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