August 9


How hangovers reduce brain function

By Peter Julian

August 9, 2019

According to Swinburne University of Technology researchers from Melbourne, Australia, heavier alcohol consumption is associated with both worse hangover symptoms and inferior test scores the next day. Hangovers are potentially disruptive to complex behaviors associated with work and education. This experiment differed from many past studies on the subject in that it relied on participants’ objectively-measured Blood Alcohol Content scores rather than on self-reported alcohol consumption. The researchers found that one impediment to the study was that hangover symptoms often interfered with participants’ ability or desire to finish the questions.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is important to study how alcohol use, the amount consumed and after effects such as hangovers impact the brain and cognitive functioning because alcohol use is so common.
  • The study consisted of participants taking an online cognitive test, then after drinking alcohol that night, self-report the amount and what types of alcohol they drank.
  • The following day, the participants were asked to log in to take other tests while hungover to attempt to measure any change in brain or cognitive functioning due to alcohol use.

“Hangovers reduce brain function and memory, according to new research from Swinburne University of Technology (Swinburne) in Melbourne.”

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