September 4


6 Time Tested Steps to Long Term Well-Being

By Julia Scalise

September 4, 2016

Classics, goals, well-being

by Julia Scalise, DN, PhD

Most people, in all stages of their lives, have a desire to improve.

Most would like a magic pill or some fairy dust to sprinkle to fix whatever they feel needs fixing. Sadly, we all know, more often than not, magic pills or fairy dust, are not available for our well-being goals. This goes for our goals for physical health as well as the other aspects of our emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

But there are some ways to bring you to your goals faster and have a higher potential for you to continue improving and maintaining the rewards of your efforts.

  • CLARIFY YOUR GOAL: Be honest with yourself and be specific about what you feel needs fixing. Pick one specific goal, and then define it to its highest level. Then add the REASON you are doing this, for if you don’t know why YOU want or need this, chances are, your motivation can waver.  Without the goal, or cognition of the prize or result you desire, AND WHY, there is a good chance you will never achieve it. So, spend some time and determine WHAT it is that you truly want to improve and WHY.
  • TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: Once you have determined the goal, again be honest with yourself and determine what you do, don’t do, think, or don’t think, that contributes to prevention of your goal in this PRESENT moment. Own your part of what isn’t working, without guilt or negative self-judgement. But don’t hold any other person or circumstance as responsible for what only you can do.
  • COMMIT: Mentally prepare to participate in your own solution. Think about what is required and determine the best time to begin. It depends on what your goal is and the potential circumstances that may side-track you in the beginning stages. So, your start date should be at a time that would make the long term success more probable. However, DO pick a specific date to start, write it down, put it your calendars (paper and/or digital) and honor your commitment to yourself, just as you would an important personal or business commitment.
  • PLAN: Whatever the goal is, you should plan for challenges. If it’s something you have never tried, some of those challenges will come as a surprise. If you have attempted this goal in the past, review what you know made you abandon your intention.  If you plan as best you can, knowing challenges and obstacles WILL HAPPEN, and have back up plans for the inevitable(s), your chances of long term success improves exponentially.
  • REMAIN CONSISTENT: Only you know your goal, the time or effort needed, and your ability to do what you say you are going to do according to the level of consistency required. So whatever the goal entails, make sure you will not over shoot your known ability to be consistent. In so doing, feeling like you failed, which will break motivation momentum, is less likely to occur.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY BUDDY: A great success tool for any goal that requires effort is to have someone to answer to.  It’s easier to stop, suspend, or quit if there is no one holding you accountable. People who choose to make life improvements have a higher success rate when they must answer to either a coach, trainer, family member, friend, or “fox hole” buddy.  So share your intention with whomever is most appropriate for what you wish to accomplish and secure a promise from them that they will hold you accountable.

It’s very easy to lose momentum and self-motivation when tackling well-being goals that require effort, change, consistency, and long term commitment. But if you know ways to fast track your chances for success, and USE THEM, whatever the goals may be going forward in your life, you have the BEST CHANCE TO ACHIEVE THEM.

Wishing you health, success in your goals for long-term well-being, and living your best life.

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