March 19


3 ways to be a more empathic leader

By Peter Julian

During these times with covid being a part of all our lives, there have been quite a few changes to our lives and to those around us. When we are building a business during this time, it is important to remember humanity. When we think about all that has been lost, we gain some empathy and insight to the people around us. We can also build new channels to open up new ways to communicate on top of being humble and supportive of our customers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Covid has forced a major reset in all of our lives including building a business.
  • With all the video conferencing, it is easy to see the hectic lives we all lead outside of work.
  • We need to recognize our humanity when we are thinking of ways to build our business.

“That reset has given us a more authentic glimpse into the lives of our colleagues and implored us to focus on another key element for building a great business: empathy.”

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About the author

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