November 24


Feng Shui Your Kitchen For A Healthier You

By Kac Young

November 24, 2014

By Kac Young PhD, ND, DCH

Whenever you want to make a change in your life, “move 27 things” says an old Chinese proverb. It may sound a bit crazy, or simplistic, but you’ll be amazed how much truth is in that one statement.

For 20 years I’ve been practicing and teaching the principles of Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art and science of energy management. One of the main tenets of Feng Shui advises us to get rid of clutter. When we are surrounded by clutter we are bogged down and suffocated in our minds as well as our emotions. Clearing away objects also clears up the path for new energy to flow through.

Live only with what you love. If something doesn’t spark joy in you, then you must donate it, recycle it, store it or dump it. You will find you have room for change because the “stuck” energy will shift and you will be able to make room for and enjoy the changes you desire.

De-cluttering is the path to a fresh start.

There is also a way to Feng Shui your health.

To start improving your health, you want to change what you eat. When temptation is out of eye sight you can make healthier choices for what you feed your precious body.

Step one: De-clutter your pantry.

  1. Toss out any cereals or bread products that are refined, presweetened, made with white flour, high in saturated fats, sodium and sugar.
  2. REPLACE these with organic, high fiber, steel-cut oats and truly whole grain bread products.
  3. Toss out any instant soups, rice and noodle mixes, (both high in fat and sodium) instant drink mixes, hot cocoa mixes, iced tea mixes (high in sugar and saturated fats like palm oil).
  4. REPLACE these with whole grains such as brown rice, bulgur wheat, dried beans, lentils, peas, and high quality green, black or oolong teas.
  5. Toss butter, white sugar, vegetable oils.
  6. REPLACE them with non-GMO spreads like Earth Balance, extra virgin olive oil and canola oil.
  7. Start using spices in place of salt and salty seasonings.
  8. Grow your own or use fresh herbs in your dishes like rosemary, basil, sage and thyme for aromatic and flavorful meals.

Step two: De-clutter your refrigerator.

  1. Toss creamers with artificial, additives and sweeteners, regular margarines or spreads that contain “partially hydrogenated oil,” yogurt with sugary fruit or artificial sugars, American or processed cheeses, “cheese food” and cream cheese.
  2. REPLACE them with organic, hormone free, fat free milk, organic unsweetened soy, almond, oat or rice beverages, organic yogurt that is plain and unsweetened (add you own fresh fruit) and small amounts of reduced fat natural hard cheeses or cheese alternatives like the ones made by Lisanatti Foods soy, rice or almond cheese alternatives in a variety of delicious flavors and textures.

When you give yourself a break using healthy food, you will find that you feel more energetic, healthier, and happier. Move 27 things and change your life for the better.

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