December 31


Need a Better Reality? How to Create One…

By Sallie Baugh

December 31, 2016

core vibration, creativity, Mindfulness, reality, successful

What does reality mean to you?

The Free Dictionary has several definitions of reality, the top one is:

“The quality or state of being actual or true.”

The thing is, it was apparent for anyone who followed the 2016 elections in the U.S. that what people believed was actual, true, or “real” varied wildly!  There is more evidence for this across other categories as well – countries, religions, or even music lovers for instance. Ask people from within these categories and all have powerfully different beliefs that drive their “reality.”  That is why when I found this Ted Talk in a playlist of 13 videos categorized as “What 2016 taught us about ourselves,” it seemed like a great final post to share with you for the year!

What Reality are You Creating for Yourself?

Isaac Lidsky could be described as a very successful entrepreneur – and he has found success in a wide variety of ventures.  His blindness helped him to discover a different world than the one his eyes and pre-conceptions told him was real.  Consider his advice to redefine YOUR reality to be more in alignment with who you are, who you want to be:

  • Hold yourself accountable for every moment, every thought, and every detail.
  • See beyond your fears.
  • Recognize your assumptions.
  • Harness your internal strength.
  • Silence your inner critic.
  • Correct your misconceptions about luck and success.
  • Accept your strengths and your weaknesses, and understand the difference.
  • Open your hearts to your bountiful blessings.

These may sound like impossible tasks, but with consistency, we can all have a wonderful life by following this advice from Isaac Lidsky.  You can start simply by being more mindful.  Mindfulness is being aware of what you are doing, what you are thinking at any given time.  Identify what you are afraid of, and ask questions – question everything.  If you tend to be critical of yourself, use our self-talk audit to help you identify your patterns. Change the way you talk to and think about yourself.

Try spending time – regularly – being grateful.

It won’t happen overnight, but as you start to change how you perceive the world around you, as you start to look for evidence of something better, it will come.

And creating a new, more joyful reality would be a great goal for 2017!  On that note, all of us at BrainSpeak wish you a fabulous reality for 2017 and beyond!

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