December 29


[Video] Would You Like to Improve Your Ability to Learn?

By Staff Writer

December 29, 2014

learning, neuroscience

If so, you may be interested in this free course offered by the University of California at San Diego. Whether you have difficulty learning or not, this course will give you several tools that can help you learn more easily – even if it is a tough subject.

The course lasts for 4 weeks, and is taught by Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski. It covers things like why focusing too much on a difficult problem makes it harder to solve, how working memory differs from long-term memory, and offers some great techniques that help people learn more efficiently.  New material will be released every Friday, consisting of several videos from 5 to 20 minutes long.  Quizzes are contained within the videos to help you to know whether or not you have grasped the content.

The course does refer to a book written by Dr. Barbara Oakley, A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even if you flunked Algebra), but while it is recommended, they make a point of saying that it is not at all required to take the course.

Dr. Oakley is now a professor of engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, but she struggled for years with math and science. Having overcome her inability to grasp these subjects early in her education, she is an excellent person to teach us how neuroscience can help us  learn in new ways.

Here is a Ted talk that Dr. Oakley gave earlier this year that addresses how you can improve your ability to learn.

Read more about this course and/or register for it at

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