May 12


Infographic: Why Your Body Wants You to Meditate!

By Staff Writer

meditation, Mindfulness

BrainSpeak has been publishing articles on the benefits of meditation for quite a long time – we are big fans.

Among the many health benefits you may notice from meditating regularly are lowered blood pressure, pain, and anxiety levels along with greater immunity, creativity, and happiness.

Recently Ghergich & Co., producers great visual content, teamed up with Health Perch to create this infographic depicting  Your Body on Meditation.  Since a picture tells a thousand words, we thought this was a great way to summarize many of the benefits of meditation.

Your Body on Meditation
“Your Body on Meditation” on Health Perch

About the author

Our staff writers come from various backgrounds in the neuroscience, personal development, brain science and psychology fields. Many started out as with us as contributors!

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