Hello and Welcome!
It's been a while since we last spoke so here's the latest news from BrainSpeak.com and the BrainSpeakstore.com!
Back to the Future (BrainSpeak Style)
It's been 30-years since the passing of neuroscientist John David, the playful genius who pioneered the use of the powerful sound technology that today we refer to as the "BrainSpeak Sound Pattern Library." These amazing sounds and tones were found to speak directly to specific areas of the brain affecting rapid and lasting psychological and behavioral changes in his clients.
In the last 30-years we have not only improved on John David's original work, but have created over forty programs inspired by that work and that of other pioneers and innovators in the field of personal transformation.
In memory of John David and his priceless contribution to the BrainSpeak line of personal transformation programs, we will be going "back to the future" as we retool not only our brand but introduce updated versions of some of John David's original masterpieces. You may even see the original program branding in the BrainSpeak Store!
So here's what's happening...
In this article, I'm going to tell you about the exciting changes happening within our BrainSpeak universe. Some changes will affect you as a customer and subscriber. Others are just so cool to us that we had to brag about them...
Earlier this year we asked our valued customers and subscribers (that's you) to give us feedback on a few important areas of our business and the way we communicate with you including the topics discussed and frequency of our newsletter and the focus of potential new programs.
Since then, we have been reviewing your comments and suggestions and as a result of your input, we are making some huge changes to the BrainSpeak universe.
So, get ready! Here we go...
New VIP Help Desk

First and foremost, we are a personal transformation company. That is, our sole business purpose is to create and provide the absolute best tools to assist you in reaching your potential regardless of the path that you choose to follow.
We have alway been proud of our great customer support team but recently have become dissatisfied with the communication platform that allows us to interact with you when you have a question, concern, or technical problem.
After almost 15-years with the same platform, we decided to make a change. The new platform is less complex for you as well as our staff allowing you to get your support ticket into the system and addressed faster (usually in just a few hours). You can visit the new VIP support desk here: https://pnidoc.kartra.com/help/VIP-support
New Program Delivery System

Next, we have abandoned our old "Customer Hub" program delivery system. As any publisher of digital programs and products will tell you, piracy is a big problem. Occasionally we will make a sale and find that the purchaser has shared or posted the download link with friends, in chat rooms, or via social media.
So, in order to help eliminate this, we have built our new delivery system to do a few new things. The new system will soon deliver your shorter single-file programs as a "zip" file via an expiring download link. Major programs that have multiple files can be accessed inside a secure members-only site (shown above).
Both methods will record the destination IP address of each download. That gives us an instant report each time the file is downloaded identifying the IP address of the person accessing the file.
Really, the only difference for you the purchaser, is to make sure that you save your download in a safe place on your computer or other media since, in some cases, access to your download may be time-limited.
New Newsletter

BrainSpeak MindLetter Survey 2018
Another thing that we learned from your survey responses was that you want our newsletter (The BrainSpeak MindLetter) to show up once a month.
So here's what we're doing...
When you subscribe to the MindLetter, you'll see the most recent articles from BrainSpeak.com as well as useful, actionable information from other authority sites chosen by our editors to match the interests that you identified in the earlier survey.
You'll also see what we have been working on; program updates and subscriber only special offers and flash sales. If you don't know what a flash sale is, it's simply a special offer of a very short duration, usually a few hours to a day or so. You can see how opening the MindLetter as soon as it arrives just might reveal an opportunity to get that program you've always wanted at a significant discount.
You will also receive very occasional emails from us with any special announcements we think will benefit you on your journey. You can unsubscribe from the MindLetter and any other communication from us anytime by simply clicking a link at the bottom of every email that we send.
New Partners Program
We absolutely love our customers, subscribers and visitors and personally engage with them as often as possible! During many of those discussions the subject of becoming a "partner" with us comes up. It makes sense that if you really love something you'd like to share it and, maybe even share in the profit.
In the past we have tried various methods of allowing others to "sell" our BrainSpeak programs for a percentage of the profit. Most of these processes were built for "enterprise-level" interactions and were simply too complex for our customers who wanted to share but not become a sales organization to be able to do it.
They wanted simple, and so do we!
In the first quarter of 2019 we will be opening the new improved, super-duper, BrainSpeak Partners Program. We are currently in the process of completing the Partner's Portal and will be looking for a few crash-test geniuses to earn, learn, and help us test out the new sales and payment platform.
If you are interested, please drop us a line at https://pnidoc.kartra.com/help/VIP-support and select the "Partner Inquiries" category.
Introducing BrainSpeak Pathways!
Want something new?
How about more than two-dozen new titles!
What better way to celebrate our "Back to the Future" than to bring back the team that brought you many of our most powerful programs.
We asked Deborah DeBerry Long, the creative force behind our flagship BrainSpeak Program (and many others) and Cary Beare, Los Angeles based sound engineer extraordinaire at Hermit Studios, to create a new series of issue-specific programs featuring selected tones and frequencies from John-David’s original sound library and arranged for BrainSpeak by Grammy winner William Aura.
Introducing BrainSpeak Pathways!
BrainSpeak Pathways is a collection of over two-dozen new programs based on the Mind, Health, and Joy category sound patterns that drive our flagship BrainSpeak Program.
Each program contains one sound pattern track and a new interactive track to boost your results.
But, enough already... Check out BrainSpeak Pathways for yourself here and take advantage of our limited, subscriber only pricing.
What's Coming In 2019
Well, if you've made it this far, you're going to be very excited about what we have planned for 2019! In addition to bringing back BrainSpeak Radio we plan on releasing new and updated versions of the following programs:
BrainStream - This series combines our "best-tech" in a flexible user format for fast results. Titles will include:
- The Illuminated Life
- Dissolve Guilt, Fear, and Worry
- The Power of Love
- Achieve Your Perfect Weight (a mental diet for a healthy body image)
Tuning Your Core Vibration - After several years in re-development, we are finally able to commit to the release of the ultimate manifestation program in 2019.
Maximum Immunity - Created and authored by John David, this wildly popular health and healing program will be released in an updated and expanded version.
And finally...
As we expand our reach, look for some of your favorite programs translated into Japanese, German, and French!
Well, that's about all for now. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to add them below!