August 8


5 Best Brain Foods For Seniors to Enhance Memory

By Tom MacDonald

brain food, enhance memory

by Tom MacDonald

A recent study conducted by the University of California found a connection between dementia and anemia. This study reported that people with lower levels of red blood cells in their bodies are at a greater risk of developing brain degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s.

This means that elderly individuals, who are highly susceptible to poor brain functioning and memory loss, have a good chance of maintaining a healthy mind by adopting a healthy lifestyle. One of the best ways to improve the functionality and boost the health of your brain is by watching what you eat.

Brain foods for seniors

Let’s take a look at the top five brain foods that can help seniors in enhancing their memory:

Blueberries – Researchers at Tufts University, Massachusetts have discovered that blueberries can contribute to improved short term memory. You should start adopting a diet that is rich in blueberries or blueberry extract. The study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, found that regular consumption of a blueberry-rich diet can even lead to an improvement in balance and coordination.

When compared to other fruits, blueberries have the highest antioxidant content and can help in regulating the oxidant levels in your body. This prevents your brain from getting damaged due to oxidative stress. The study recommends that the diet of elderly individuals should include at least 1 cup of blueberries or an equivalent amount in blueberry extract.

Oily fish – Regular consumption of omega-3 fatty can help seniors in combating the effects of aging such as memory loss. Since these fatty acids cannot be formed by the body, it has to be consumed through healthy sources like fish. Deep-water fish like salmon is especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which occur in the form of EPA and DHA. Sardines and Herrings are also good sources of omega-3. You should have oily fish at least 2-3 times a week in 4-ounce servings.

Whole grains – To improve your concentration level, your body needs a steady supply of energy and proper blood circulation. Whole grains like brown rice and oatmeal are known to help individuals in maintaining an active and alert mind. Try to include ½ cup of “brown” cereals to your breakfast. Brown pasta, wheat bran, bread, and wheat germ should be a part of your regular diet.

Nuts – The American Journal of Epidemiology published a study reporting that vitamin E deficiency can contribute to cognitive decline in seniors. To prevent this from happening, you should consume nuts and seeds on a regular basis for a sufficient supply of Vitamin E. Walnuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, cashews, almonds, sesame seeds, peanuts, and flax seeds are all good sources of this vitamin.

Tomatoes – Tomatoes are rich in an antioxidant known as lycopene. This antioxidant can help in preventing your brain cells from damages caused by free radicals in the body. Since free radical cell damage contributes to the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s, and tomatoes are best Alzheimer’s care food for seniors. Remember that colorful vegetables and fruits can improve your memory and prevent further memory loss.

About the author

Tom MacDonald has been writing about latest trends in senior living and senior health. Check out his wordpress blog to read his articles on alzhemizer's care, dementia and assisted living

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