January 31


Why Social Media FOMO is a Sign of Deeper Unhappiness

By Peter Julian

Social media can allow us to connect with our friends, family and colleagues. It’s important to be intentional around our social media use, because we can develop unrealistic expectations of what life is truly like. On social media, there are no limits to what the experiences of life can seem like. It’s important to use social media intentionally so we don’t develop FOMO, the fear of missing out. It’s important to examine our own lives instead of living vicariously through others.

Key Takeaways:

  • Social media makes us believe that the people we know are living perfect lives and having interesting experiences all the time.
  • It’s important to use our modern-day technology – like social media – for our own betterment, not for coveting other people’s lives.
  • It is best not to let fear of missing out run our lives; instead, we ought to focus on living our own fuller lives.

“In the digital age, we rely on technology such as social media in trying to build for ourselves interesting and varied lives.”

Read more: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/real-happiness-in-digital-world/202012/why-social-media-fomo-is-sign-deeper-unhappiness

About the author

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