March 31


What Is Self-Image (And How to Change It for a Happier Life)

By Peter Julian

Having a positive self image is so important for so many different reasons, it affects you emotionally, mentally and even physically, and it of course affects you socially. The way you see yourself affects how you see the rest of the world, the way you present yourself comes from the feeling you have about yourself within. A negative self image means that you notice all of your flaws above all of your good qualities. You can have a positive self image and still notice your flaws and not see them so negatively.

Key Takeaways:

  • Self image is simply how we see ourselves as people both on the inside and the outside.
  • We can create a positive self imagine by accepting and loving ourselves. Giving ourselves positive reinforcement can make great changes to our mindset.
  • Make a list of things that you appreciate in life as well as a proudest moments list. You can look at these lists any time you start getting into a negative headspace.

“The best way to distinguish between these two closely related terms is to say that self-image is specific. It relates to different aspects of our view of ourselves.”

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