June 13


Waterfall illusion: when you see still objects move – and what it tells you about your brain

By Margaret

Optical illusions are always a good time and something that you can do by yourself or even with a group of people, but the science behind these brain teasers can be even more interesting. In a new summary by Neuroscience News, they take a deeper dive into what is actually happening in your brain when you view certain images and motions at the cellular level. They even provide a few videos and examples so that you walk away with additional confidence in your brain!

Key Takeaways:

  • Basically, an illusion occurs when the pattern of light falling on the retina of a human eye differs from what the owner of the retina perceives.
  • Aristotle noted that pebbles beside a running stream appeared to move when he shifted his gaze to them after watching the water move over the pebble bed for some time.
  • The optical illusion, or motion aftereffect, occurs when a stationary object appears to move in a distinct direction after a viewer has watched a mobile one for a time.

“Addams did not need a theory to know that this was an illusion: the rocks looked stationary before looking at the waterfall but appeared to move upwards after having stared at the waterfall.”

Read more: https://neurosciencenews.com/waterfall-illusion-brain-14138/

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