December 1


Tuning Your Core Vibration: The Next Generation Now In Production!

By Peter Julian

law of attraction

A Quick Update...

If you're not familiar with our Tuning Your Core Vibration program on the BrainSpeak Store, it is one of our most popular programs designed to bring what you think, what you say, what you do, and what you manifest all into perfect alignment. In other words...

Your Thoughts + Your Words + Your Actions = Your Experience

You can read more about the current TYCV release here...​

If any one or more of the parts of the chain are out of alignment, you will never get what you want. Strong statement I know but completely accurate.

Users of the originalTYCV program have called it "life changing"​ and "powerful." Some have also called it "a beast" and "a hammer" because of the size, scope, and number of audio tracks, as well as the complexity of the overall process. Don't get me wrong, TYCV is a very effective program but we get it; it is a beast.


The long (long) awaited next generation of Tuning Your Core Vibration is now in production. Many of you have requested -- respectfully demanded, actually -- a digital version of TYCV and we decided to do just that but we realized we had a great opportunity to make it not only better and more effective, but also less complicated and easier to use.

In the next few weeks I'll be telling you more about where we are in the production process​ as well as some of the new features, release estimates, pricing (you'll like this) and how you can take part in the creation of this amazing release!

Watch for the MindLetter for updates!

About the author

Peter Julian is the Publisher at

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