January 29


The Moments that Define Us

By Peter Julian

After first couple of years in the veterinary school, we have finally given a chance to test and show our knowledge in the actual clinic. Grueling studies of the first two years were quickly replaced by excitement of real-world work. The reality is that you start as a junior in any clinic, and that comes with roles we expected and dreaded in advance. On the other hand, we have also been facing the hard truth of statistics and numbers about stray and sick animals. Yet, seeing the numbers is one thing, but emotionally much more challenging is dealing with these situations every day.

Key Takeaways:

  • 70 million animals are living as strays and so being a Veterinarian holds a very important role for society.
  • We played with the dogs at the kennel so we could get a sense of what we would be working with.
  • Now a days computer models take the place of animals in Vet training but I will never forget when we brought those dogs in and cared for them.

“While spreading our wings as soon-to-be doctors meant taking on duties we’d dreamed of for years, it also led us into roles we’d dreaded.”

Read more: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-soul-all-living-creatures/202012/the-moments-define-us

About the author

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