March 29


The Joy of Letting Go

By Peter Julian

There is a certain joy that comes with letting things go. We actually have daily struggles that are somewhat common amongst humans such as overeating, overworking and putting things off. There are some great things that come with letting go of our problems. We can do this by simply breathing and figuring out if the attachment is serving you or if it’s the other way around. Finally, when you are ready make sure to release the attachment and let it float away from you!

Key Takeaways:

  • Overeating, overworking, and social anxiety are some of the problems caused by our attachments.
  • To let go, breathe and feel the emotion associated with the attachment.
  • Ask if the attachment is serving you, and ask what things could be like without it.

“The first thing is to realize that our struggle comes from an attachment.”

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About the author

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