October 3


Serious About Your Health? 12 Favorite Books from the Personal Library of a Holistic Health Professional

By Julia Scalise

October 3, 2016

better health, health problems, improve health; mental health;

by Julia Scalise, DN, PhD

It’s no secret that I like to read. I often preferred spending time in my local library, or time at home reading to other playtime pursuits during my “growing up” years. As the years progressed, I continued to read and belonged to 4 book clubs. It didn’t matter if it was fiction or non-fiction, best-seller or not well known books, classics, mysteries, thrillers, romance novels, or self-help books, I just enjoyed reading.

Whether it was to learn something (like reading an encyclopedia) or to escape to a place and time long ago (period romance), reading to me was always time well spent if the book was informative or had a good story line.

Required Reading​

My professional career requires that I read. Much of my free time is spent reading articles, research studies, and information on new tests or products I use from companies with whom I work. But in addition to that, I commit to reading books from practitioners, who are mostly established experts in their fields, who have written books which share new and beneficial information on various health issues and topics with the general public as well as other practitioners.

I do this for my own health and for help for my clients. In this day and age, the overall decline in health in our society, the escalation of chronic illnesses being seen in younger and younger populations, and now the emergence of new health issues or illnesses resistant to current medications, makes this important for health practitioners and consumers alike.

I also read books to help with non-physical health issues which help with healing of emotions, to having a better understanding of principles to live a better life, or to help ease grief when dealing with the loss of loved ones.

I hope my favorite books list finds those who need to see it. And in choosing any of these books to read, I hope it brings to you answers or comfort for whatever your challenges may be. As always, any information you read and choose to use should be done with the knowledge and consent of your health care team.

My Favorite Books: Health-Related, Of Course!

Physical Health

  • The Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls MD - A great read for anyone with Multiple Sclerosis and other autoimmune and / or neurodegenerative brain disorders
  • Fibro Fix by Dr. David Brady- A great read for those suffering with Fibromyalgia (or maybe not!)
  • Medical Medium Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal by Anthony William - A great read for those struggling with, as the title states, mystery chronic illnesses
  • The Disease Delusion Conquering the Cause of Chronic Illness by Dr. Jeffrey Bland- A great read from a functional medicine doctor about addressing cause versus symptoms of illness
  • The Naked Truth About Breast Implants by Susan E. Kolb, M.D. – A great read for those with breast implants and some issues that can arise even many years post implantation
  • The Immune System Recovery Plan by Susan Blum, MD - A great read on autoimmune diseases and information to consider for help
  • The Truth About Cancer by Ty M Bollinger- to be released 10/25/16 I watched the entire documentary series and have the DVD’s and transcript. A good information source on cancer therapies and/or for use in combination with conventional treatments that you choose to use.

Non-Physical Health

  • The Five Languages of Love by Gary Chapman- A great read for improving relationships and improving the chances of it lasting
  • Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh- A great read for understanding phases of one’s life in relation to roles required. Mostly for women, but men can benefit from this book also if read with the understanding to view it as it applies to males. I love the chapter “The Argonauta”.
  • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz- A great read for 4 principles to help navigate through life. I keep saying this should be a required course in middle school.
  • Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman- A great read to help acknowledge, accept and process many emotions and feelings that suppressing never heals.
  • Living in the Afterlife Experiences from the Soul Place by Michele Livingston. – A great read, written by my friend and spiritual medium about life after death. I truly found it very enlightening and comforting.

Some of these titles I read several years ago, and some more recently. I recommend many of these titles to clients, loved ones and friends. The best way to tell if a book may help you is to visit online book retailers and read the descriptions and REVIEWS. Many of the topics overlap, but interestingly, many of the protocols and processes mirror what I do and have been doing for my clients over all these years. For me, in addition to the information, it helps to find further validation of my programs, but also to promote hope for so many who suffer more than they have to suffer.

At present, my next book on deck is “Never Bet Against Occam” by Lawrence B. Afrin, MD and Kendra Neilsen Myles. It’s about Mast Cell Activation Disease and the modern epidemics of chronic illness and medical complexity. More and more practitioners are seeing patients/clients with chronic multisystem inflammatory illness of unclear causes. I’m sure it will be an informative read but I am only up to page 40. Many chapters still to go. Time to put my reading glasses on and in the interim…

Wishing you health, hope for any health challenges, and living your best life.

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