August 9


Self-Esteem: 4 Things You Hate About Yourself and Why

By Staff Writer

self-confidence, self-esteem

By Chris Miller

For most of us, our insecurities are the difference between a Friday night out, and a Friday night spent wrapped up alone in a bowl of ice cream. While it may be difficult to take your personal demons lightly, taking a step back from them is easy. Here are four common insecurities broken down and explained to help you distance yourself.

Your Voice

The common reaction to a self-starring home movie: “Is that my voice?” Whether ten years ago or this morning, our own recorded voices sound strange and unfamiliar to us. Often they sound higher-pitched, nasally, or loud than we thought.

When we speak, our voices vibrate through the bone of our skull, and are lowered in frequency by the time they are registered. When we hear a recording, we are hearing it transmitted through the air alone, exactly how others hear it. The end result is quite different from the voice you normally hear from yourself.

Listen to lots of recordings of your voice. Familiarize yourself with the sound, and perceive it as being the voice of someone else. You’ll find that there is absolutely nothing wrong with your voice, and it’s all a matter of getting to know it.

Your Nose

We all have our least favorite features, but noses “stand out” as being one of the most largely hated. It resides in the center of the face, and sticks out the farthest. Some feel their nose is too small, but most complain that it is larger than they would like.

You might want to reevaluate how closely you’re looking at yourself in the mirror. Many scrutinize themselves from three inches away, worrying how others must perceive them. In reality, nobody looks at you that closely. Strangers see you from a wide variety of angles, distances, and lights. How you see your nose in the mirror is static, and is usually not what others see.

Surgery is always an option, but do your research beforehand. Evaluate your face fully, determining what you dislike and what could be improved. Then take into account the rest of your features. Would a thinner nose fit your wide-set eyes? Some noses work better for others.

Your Skin

Not only is your skin your largest organ, it also shares an intimate connection with the brain. Many serious skin diseases arise psychosomatically. However, you don’t have to have a disease to dread being seen in your own skin.

Skin insecurities usually arise from a deeper issue: insecurities about age. Teens wishing to grow into themselves despise the acne that keeps them childlike, and those with wrinkles fear the realization that they are not as young as they used to be. They may feel their skin is giving an impression that they don’t feel accurately portrays who they are.

Maintaining healthy skin is most important. There are many non-intrusive things you can do to boost self-esteem, such as home acne scar removal and other treatments. But ultimately, you should embrace who you are and all that you and your skin have gone through together. Every mark and line is a part of you, and tells its own story.

Your Past

We all have experienced regret. Some of us experience it daily. It easily defines us, since we’ve all been taught that we are who our actions say we are.

This is not quite accurate. Your actions do define you, but only your current actions are important in describing your character. You may have hurt people in the past and affected their opinion, but you don’t have to be that person anymore.

Take a step back and look at your life. It is impossible not to grow from any situation, so determine how you’ve grown into who you are now. Never forget your past, but learn to distance yourself from that person. You are always you, but you are becoming better every day, as long as you choose to.

[author image=”” ]Chris Miller is a professional SEO specialist, blogger, writer, and English grammar enthusiast. Chris enjoys learning about new health products, procedures, and ideas. Chris has recently become an advocate for home acne scar removal products, and loves to help people find their own beauty.[/author]

About the author

Our staff writers come from various backgrounds in the neuroscience, personal development, brain science and psychology fields. Many started out as with us as contributors!

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