January 25


Science Proves That Productivity Is Increased By Watching “Kitty” Porn!

By Peter Julian

addiction, cat videos, cute animals

Watching cute cat videos is actually addictive and good for you.

OK. Hopefully you forgive the terrible play on words but have you ever wondered why we, as humans, are so drawn to videos of cute animals, especially cats? In this recent article from CNN (see link to the entire article below) the science behind the attraction and productivity enhancing properties of watching cat videos is persuasive.

In fact, studies have found that the pleasure centers of our brains are actually lighting up when we see something cute because there is a rush of dopamine to the brain. It’s a response similar to when we eat sugar or have sex.

 Oriana Aragon, a Yale psychologist explains….

“It is kind of a vice. We want our cute fix. There are entire things devoted to cuteness,” said Aragon.

“It’s something that gives us pleasure, and makes us come back. Eating those high-calorie rich foods were essential to our survival in the early days,” said Aragon. So, seeing and caring for something cute acts in a similar manner in our brain; we see a cute baby, and instinctively reach out to cuddle it, our brain gets a dopamine boost to reward us, and boom — we’re happy! via Watching cute cat videos is instinctual and good for you – CNN.com

BrainSpeak Staff Writers
We really shouldn’t let them touch a keyboard…

About the author

Peter Julian is the Publisher at BrainSpeak.com

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