
Please use the form below to register as a new BrainSpeak Magazine contributor and submit your first article to us. It is important that you take the time to fill out the information in some detail since this is the content that will appear in your author bio box at the bottom of each of your articles. Please pay particular attention to the “About Author” section.

What about my picture?

Our publishing platform pulls your author picture from Gravatar.com. If you haven’t set up your author picture yet, click here to do so. It’s easy, free and very important if you want your image to appear in your author bio box. Make sure that you use the same email address in Gravatar that you use to register here.

You will only have to fill out this information once.

Once you are accepted as a registered author, you will log in using the “registered author login” link in the drop down menu under “Contact” on the BrainSpeak Magazine homepage.

Just a reminder…

Our Standards

Not all submissions or applicants will be accepted. In order to maintain a high quality for our articles, every article will undergo a review by one of our friendly editors before acceptance. We will not tolerate content theft or  plagiarism. Do write in your own words and give necessary credit in your work where applicable.

Only original, unpublished articles will be accepted. Once your article has been published, it will belong to BrainSpeak Magazine and you cannot republished it without our written permission.

The exception to this rule is if you are submitting a derivation (rewrite) of a previously published article to us. In that case the derivative article only will belong to BrainSpeak Magazine. Many of our authors start out with derivatives and then move on to exclusive articles.

Important Notes:

  1. The category you select below applies to this article submission only.
  2. Clicking the “Save” button will submit your article so make sure that you have your final draft in place before doing so.



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