February 19


Navigating Pandemic Fatigue as a Working Parent

By Peter Julian

With all the changes pandemic brought to our lives, being a working parent definitely became even more challenging. The way we work changed, the way our kids attend schools changed, and so the options for after school care and activities. This situation really forced us to reevaluate our priorities and realign our lives with what is important to us. Every family deals with the issues in a different way, but some steps towards improvement of the way we handle the situation are common. Identify what your values are and what matters to you the most, in order to focus on these things.

Key Takeaways:

  • if you have felt a shift in your routine and are riddled with guilt and stress you aren’t alone
  • Each family is different when it comes to knowing what to do right now, you can start with your values.
  • Try to gather some insight into how you have been viewing the world and make some changes accordingly.

“But it’s possible to make sound choices now — especially in light of all that’s different — if you dig in, and, with compassion and no small measure of courage, identify what matters.”

Read more: https://hbr.org/2021/01/navigating-pandemic-fatigue-as-a-working-parent

About the author

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