October 28


[Interview] Stop Self-Sabotage By Doing Just One Thing!

By Staff Writer

October 28, 2015

eliminate self-sabotage, goals, making changes, overwhelmed, personal development, self sabotage

In an exciting new interview for BrainSpeak Radio, Peter Julian talked with Holistic Health Practitioner and author of the #1 Bestseller “Do One Thing, Feel Better/ Live Better,” Julia Scalise, DN, PhD. Julia has spent over 16 years helping her clients find their personal health “sweet spot.”

She has also been writing great motivational articles for our BrainSpeak audience for quite some time!

In this episode, Peter and Julia focus on self-sabotage and how it can keep people from making progress in not only their personal development goals, but also in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual goals.

When Julia gives a talk or presentation about health and well-being, she is often asked the question, “What is the most important thing someone can take.” Her response doesn’t give a supplement or herb, as might be expected. She always tells people that taking RESPONSIBILITY is the most important way to make positive changes in their lives and to eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors.

As Julia says, only YOU can heal your perceived “brokenness.”

But responsibility isn’t always easy to accept. Sometimes people feel too overwhelmed to take on one more thing!

Listen to the interview and you will find:

  1.  Why so many people feel overwhelmed.
  2.  The 5 steps you can take to avoid feeling overwhelmed while taking more responsibility.
  3.  How “needing” or “wanting” something factors into the chance of success.
  4.  How to stay committed to a goal over time, after the NEW has worn off.
  5.  What a Personal Mission Statement is, and how it can be used to stop self-sabotaging behaviors and increase the likelihood of achieving your goal(s).

And, of course, they talk about Julia’s book!

Listen to the interview on BrainSpeak Radio: https://brainspeak.com/radio/episode-5-julia-scalise/

If you are interested in connecting with Julia, or reading more of her articles, check out these links:

Connect With Julia on her Website: http://www.juliascalise.com/

Connect With Julia onFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliascaliseDNPHD/

Read other Articles By Julia Scalise, DN, PhD., on BrainSpeak.com: https://brainspeak.com/author/julia_scalise/

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