May 29


How Your Personality Is Different on Zoom

By Peter Julian

Zoom meetings are here to stay for a while, at least as far as we can see. A lot of meetings that would normally take place for work are now on zoom meetings. We all have an alter ego that we happen to use on zoom and this is because we feel we have to sit perfectly still to be seen on camera, and we also miss out on social cues that we would normally pick up on face to face, and as a result we take on a different persona.

Key Takeaways:

  • Even people with the best intentions of working during quarantine might find that they look downtrodden during videoconferences.
  • People are drained by too much screen time and get tired from hyper-focusing during video calls.
  • Read on for more reasons why you find video calls so exhausting, and some tricks to help.

“Sitting stiffly in uncomfortable chairs, staring at computer cameras with a forced smile for hours on end—during the workday, then into happy hour and beyond, began to take its toll. People began to look as exhausted as they felt.”

Read more:

About the author

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