February 15


How to Stay Focused and Achieve What You Want

By Peter Julian

Thinking about wanting to do something is step 0. It doesn’t count until you make a real goal. In order to do that, you must be productive. Fatigue and stress can derail you from your goals so be persistent. One great tool to become more productive is to write stuff down. Use a capture tool to write down all of your things that need to be done tomorrow. Actually write them down, this will cause your brain to start working on them. Look at your list and prioritize them. Delegate them if possible. Always keep your workspace clean and uncluttered. It’s much easier to work there. Maintain a healthy balance of your work and personal life. 77% of people said that they have been burned-out before. Try to go for a walk during your break. All of these things will help you be more productive. Throwing away the finished list will give you a lot of satisfaction too.

Key Takeaways:

  • Goal pursuance is made easier by creating an environment that promotes momentum.
  • A capture tool, like a simple list, will help you remember the array of things you want to accomplish, besides giving you the impetus to finish them.
  • Although digital-list-making works too, many get a psychological boost by arriving at an empty clean page at the end of a day of goal-reaching.

“Creating goals keeps you productive, but it is important to make sure you don’t overload yourself with too many or unrealistic ambitions.”

Read more: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/radical-sabbatical/202001/how-stay-focused-and-achieve-what-you-want

About the author

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