March 25


How To Simplify Your Life And Be Happy

By Peter Julian

Simplifying one’s life is a difficult, but rewarding task. There are many ways to simplify your life. Despite initial discomfort a simple life brings freedom. There are four ways to simplify your life. Firstly, discard, sell, or donate unneeded items. Secondly, manage your time better by ceasing activities that do not benefit your life. Thirdly, avoid distractions. Finally, create new habits that replace recently broken bad habits. There are other ways to simplify your. Everyone should think about ways to simplify their lives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Change is needed to simplify our lives with what we individually consider as important values
  • Take it day by day to form new habits or to learn how to prioritize your time
  • Balancing purchases or better managing your distractions from higher set values are examples for simplification

“I lived in New Zealand for 18 months, and I only had a suitcase and a large backpack.”

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