December 17


How to Recognize a Bad Therapist

By Peter Julian

Not every psychotherapist is good, but there are ways to spot the bad ones. There are three types. Sexual predators, which typically involve male therapists and intimate bodywork with patients. Protect yourself by being wary of flirting, avoiding uncomfortable personal questions, and remember your therapist cannot see you outside of therapy, or date you. Second, there are poorly trained therapists. They can be sympathetic, but unable to handle actual problems. Verify their credentials. Last, there’s inexperienced therapists. Make sure they have experience!

Key Takeaways:

  • Therapists can be a great aid to healing, but a bad therapist can harm us and slow the healing process.
  • Some therapists are simply unqualified, or poorly trained to take on specific problems.
  • Some therapists are sexual predators, and use the vulnerable and weak to their own ends-these are rare, but needed addressed quickly!

“For many of us, it can be hard to decide whether it is our fault or our therapist’s fault that our therapy is simply not working.”

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