April 29


How to Reboot Your Brain This Spring

By Peter Julian

Spring is the time of the new beginnings. We find new energy to start projects or continue work on things that we have neglected in the past. Focusing on physical things only is a mistake. We can also rejuvenate our mental health and commence a kind of brain clearing during this time. Revisit your convictions and thoughts and try to put them in a new referent frame. This will enable you to see problems that you are facing in a different light, which in turn can lead to new ideas and approaches towards solving these problems.

Key Takeaways:

  • When you figure out what is causing you to think negatively, it can help you figure out what limits you’re placing on yourself as well.
  • Our beliefs and thoughts can change our perceptions as well as our behavior over time.
  • When you start to change the beliefs that cause you stress, it allows you to see a whole new, positive world.

“But how often do we really examine our thoughts and get rid of the mental clutter that keeps us stuck, the ideas that no longer serve us?”

Read more: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/imperfect-spirituality/202204/how-reboot-your-brain-spring

About the author

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