May 1


How to Discover the Limiting Beliefs that Create Self-Sabotage

By Margaret

Many of us suffer from limiting beliefs, leading us to self-sabotage. Beliefs are generally “lens” or attitude in which you perceive the world, and limiting them limits your options and capacity to enjoy life. But we can identify which limiting beliefs affect us: By choosing a goal or direction in life, moving forward full steam, and then watch what happens next. Do you experience success? Or do you unconsciously sabotage your success? Sabotaging yourself is your first roadblock, and use it to learn about your limiting beliefs. And knowing that you have such beliefs is the first step to tackling them.

Key Takeaways:

  • The author asks the reader to think about a moment when he has a limiting belief like a police officer absolutely forbidding them to do something pleasurable.
  • A belief can be seen as an experience of reality and they are composed of one’s inner images, one’s sounds and his feelings.
  • One way to discover which limiting belief holds one back from success is to make plans on a goal or direction in life.

““Don’t be so sure of yourself. You don’t deserve to be out there having a good time like a normal person. I should cuff you right now! You’re scum, and don’t you forget it.””

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