June 29


How Listen to Your Body and Give It What It Needs

By Margaret

You can listen to your body’s needs without meeting certain strict requirements on a diet or by meeting a set number of steps per day. Respect your body and be thankful for all that it has done. Focus on the good parts of your body. Connect your mind and body by breathing deeply, focusing on the breath, and listening to your body. Ask what your body needs, and give it to yourself. If you need rest or a snack, then grant that to yourself. Figure out what your body needs to be healthy in the future, such as help at work, or getting back to the gym. Stop living by numbers and honor your body.

Key Takeaways:

  • The author states that for a long time he was conscious of taking care of his body by counting the number of steps he took every day.
  • For weeks he had a diet and a plan and would often go hungry in order to satisfy the diet but stuff himself with junk food later on.
  • Sometimes she failed to meet the number goals that she had set for herself and that made her miserable, as if she was a failure.

“Whether you know it or not, your body is speaking to you all day long.”

Read more: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/how-listen-to-your-body-and-give-it-what-it-needs/

About the author

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