July 23


How Early Adversity Relates to Brain Activity Years Later

By Margaret

With a growing number of children being placed detention centers or foster care from their parents migrating to the United States, there is an increased concern about the lasting effects on the childrens’ development. Children that were placed in detention centers were more likely to develop ADHD symptoms, learning disabilities, disruptive behaviors, and psycho social issues over the children placed in Foster Care families. Studies show that these children however can have their affects reversed if they land in Foster Care by the time they are 12. The stability of the environment and the one on one interaction can help them.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientists have discovered that interrupted caregiving can have a negative impact on a child’s cognitive development.
  • The reduced development may be linked to many learning and behavioral disorders.
  • Some of the science used in the study may be questionable but there is undoubtable a link between interrupted caregiving and cognitive development in children.

“Much of what scientists know about how brain development in children is impaired by adverse early life experience comes from studies on Romanian orphans who suffered severe neglect under the Communist Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.”

Read more: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-new-brain/201906/how-early-adversity-relates-brain-activity-years-later

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