October 24


Gratitude: The Magic Potion

By Staff Writer

gratitude, optimism, positivity, Reduce Stress

Gratitude is an amazing emotion, and a lot of research has been done about its effect on health and well-being.

For example, Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough have found that gratitude is a personality strength, helping those who feel gratitude keenly to be happier, healthier and more energetic. They tend to have fewer physical ailments and also to take better care of themselves – they get more exercise and feel less stressed.

Martin Seligman, the “Father of Positive Psychology” has found that when people write down five things they are grateful for, and do that every week for 10 weeks, the results were amazing!

Gratitude may not be easy to practice when things do not seem to be going well, but if you start a regular practice of recognizing the good things in your life while all is well, it can actually help create hope and optimism that can help the difficult times go by much faster.

Ellen G Goldman shares more about the wonders of gratitude on the latest edition of BrainSpeak Magazine, now available on the Apple iTunes store! And she shares 4 ways that can get you on track to a regular gratitude practice that you won’t want to miss!

Check it out today!

You can also find Ellen on her website, http://www.energcoaching.com.

About the author

Our staff writers come from various backgrounds in the neuroscience, personal development, brain science and psychology fields. Many started out as with us as contributors!

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