May 29


Got Brain Fog? Try These Fixes Before Medication

By Adrienne Erin

brain fog

by Adrienne Erin

It can be frustrating trying to get things done or remember important details while suffering from a “foggy brain.” You know you have the ability to function and get things done, but knowing and doing are two different things.

There are different reasons why a person may find themselves trying to work through foggy brain. First, there’s stress. Do you have a lot on your plate? Having to deal with anxiety tied to various high-pressure situations in one’s life is tough. It can cause you to suffer a mental brain-freeze. Not getting enough sleep? Physical exhaustion can also make it difficult to think clearly.

Before you reach for medication, here are some simple tips for dealing with brain fog symptoms.

Get Plenty of Rest

Tomorrow morning at 8:00 you’re supposed to be giving a detailed report to your boss. You may think staying up all night to put the finishing touches on your report is a good idea. However, all you’re doing is robbing yourself of essential rest.

Studies show that if individuals studied information and then slept on it, they’re more apt to remember than those who read the information and weren’t able to rest. A good night’s sleep is essential for memory and being able to function at your best.

Breathing Exercises and Meditation

If stress has you so unfocused you can’t think, you may need to take a step back and just breathe.

There are a number of breathing exercises you can do in order to focus your energies. Also consider taking up meditation.

You should never underestimate how healing and helpful sitting quietly can be. Taking the time to not worry and simply calm yourself can help clear the fog and allow you to feel renewed and far less stressed about aspects of your life.

If you smoke, now is the time to quit or make the switch to electronic cigarettes, which are a good segue to quitting entirely. Doing so will help you breathe more easily and deeply, and ultimately lead to a healthier body and mind.

Watch What You Eat

Have you ever had a big delicious meal and then found yourself on the verge of falling asleep? Sometimes the things we eat can cause our brains to fog up and instead of feeling energized, we become lethargic.

A safe bet for avoiding this, especially if you have things you want to accomplish, is to be mindful of how certain foods affect you.

Cut back on carbs and foods high in sugar. Avoid overeating and especially late night snacking – it can be disruptive to the dream cycle!

Drink Plenty of Water

Never underestimate how important it is to drink plenty of water. If you aren’t getting the minimum amount your body needs, it can cause you to slow down. Not only that, but consistent dehydration can also negatively impact your mood.

Drink lots of water in order to help yourself stay on top of the tasks you need to accomplish throughout the day.

Talk to a Doctor

If you’re doing everything you can to take care of yourself and you still feel sluggish and your brain is foggy, consult a doctor.

Even though some issues can be corrected through our own efforts, it’s possible you may need medical attention.

Don’t put off seeing a doctor if symptoms are getting worse. If you think something is wrong, it’s better to get at least one doctor’s opinion on your health so you can know for certain.

Brain fogginess happens to all of us at some point. It could be because we aren’t getting enough sleep or it could be that we need to eat better. If you work at getting to the root of the issue, you will be much better off than simply taking the problem for granted or always trying to “work around it”.

Deal with and eliminate behaviors that are prone to cause brain fog, and you can feel confident that it will be of little trouble to you in the future.

About the author

Adrienne is a freelance writer and designer who is obsessed with social media and learning new things. You can read more of her work on her design blog, Design Roast.

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