Thanks in advance!

We know that used as directed, the BrainStream Program you have chosen will have a dramatic effect on your life and we'd love to hear about your success. Please enter your comments below in as much detail as you'd like.

Although we require your email for validation, it is for our internal use only and will not be displayed publicly or used for marketing purposes. We have also, included an optional "Website" field if you'd like a link back to your website if you have one you'd like to promote.

Your comments are greatly appreciated, not only to assist us in improving our programs, but also as an aid to others like yourself who are looking for a powerful way to improve their mental game. By submitting the form below, you agree to allow us to publish your remarks on and

What was your goal in using your BrainStream Program?
What results have you noticed from BrainStream (even if you haven't finished the program)?
What surprised you the most or made you the most happy about your BrainStream program?
If you were to recommend BrainStream to your best friend, what would you say?
Which BrainStream Program Do You Own?

Thanks For Your Feedback!
