August 18


Authenticity is an Inside Job

By Staff Writer

authenticity, transformation

Everyone thinks they want authenticity, but what does it really mean? If you look at Encarta World Dictionary, it says that it refers to the genuineness or truth of something.

For you, that something is YOU – it is being true to your self – your values, your hopes and dreams. It is what was written on your heart before you were born. To have an authentic life, you need to create an external life that is consistent with your inner life – a life that allows you to express your hopes and dreams.

In order to create a life like that, you must first be self-aware. That may sound like a simple task, but it can take some time to discover our truth hiding within the many ideas that others have about what we should be and how we should act. You know who they are – family, friends, religion, school, community, country.

Mary Falkner, co-author of Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag: A Transformational Guide for Living Happy, Joyous and Free, shares her thoughts on how to become authentic from the inside out on the latest edition of BrainSpeak Magazine, available on the Apple iTunes Store.

You can find Mary on her website:

About the author

Our staff writers come from various backgrounds in the neuroscience, personal development, brain science and psychology fields. Many started out as with us as contributors!

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