May 13


Are you superior to others? Or is it an illusion?

By Peter Julian

Leaders tend to judge the people that they are in charge of by their actions. Leaders tend to set high standards for themselves that they can’t always meet, but don’t give their fellow employees that same consideration. When you look at the intentions you have to complete it, the actions become secondary, because you are aware of what you could have been capable of, but just couldn’t make it happen. That happens sometimes, it happens with everybody.

Key Takeaways:

  • This week, The Big Think’s First is Dr. Peter Fuda, one of the world’s top coaches and transformation consultants, who has mentored over 200 major corporate CEOs.
  • Dr. Fuda, who also runs the Enixa digital platform, specializes in enabling transformation, and has a ninety percent success rate in this endeavor.
  • Most of us apply a double standard by which we judge ourselves based on our intended outcomes, but judge others more harshly and on the basis of their outward actions.

“It’s important for leadership to reflect on the standards and expectations they set for themselves before they set incredibly high standards and expectations for other members of their team.”

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About the author

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