October 10


Amp Up Your Morning Productivity With These Smartphone Apps

By Staff Writer

increase productivity, Productivity

You’re a get-up-and-go kind of person. Sleep is overrated, you say, and you know that excelling in the morning is what winners do.

What’s in a good routine for morning productivity? No snacking at bedtime, a clear head, at least six to seven hours of good sleep, and a plan laid out for the next day. When you have those ducks all lined up, you just have to wait for the sun to rise.

If you’ve tried these things and you find your are still struggling to have great, productive mornings, then you might need some tips from the pros.

With more than half of all U.S. adults using smartphones of different shapes and sizes, there are a multitude of apps ranging from time-saving apps for goals, tasks and assignments to apps for dialing down distractions that come with modern Web-connected life. And we here at Deep Existence are all over that.

Goals & Tasks

Managing tasks and goals with productivity apps is among some of the most popular tasks by mobile users. The trick is to find the one that just works. Goals (available in Blackberry World store or via cell phones from BlackBerry) is a goal-setting app that helps users to identify key life, work and personal goals, input them into the app, and help users to focus more visually on the important things they are striving to attain.

Another favorite app is Pomodoro, which serves a useful time management function for busy executives on the go. Based on the well-known pomodoro technique (25 minutes of work followed by five minutes of rest), this app can help you to better strategize your work productivity across a particular period.


Staying focused is our mission and these apps will help you get focused to be more productive. As we know, distractions and disruptions can alter our sustained period of deep concentration and make it difficult to get back into that state if interrupted.

Find out how to reduce distractions and stay more focused using Tone Out Distractions, an app that combines free-thinking, new age concepts with key insights into limiting your distractions throughout the day. Also, you can check for other types of apps that assist users to improve their memory, attention and overall brain performance through scientific brain workouts.

Fitness and Motion

Part of a productive morning is achieving your fitness and health goals. Many app users download running, fitness and general physical conditioning apps to get an extra bit of help in daily exercise routines. Many of these offer exercise diagrams and animations to depict the muscle groups affected by each exercise.

For running enthusiasts, try MapMyFitness for efficient mapping technology for getting the most out of your morning run. The app uses GPS technology to give the user an interactive map, run tracking and metrics measure tools for speed, pace, elevation, distance and length of run. You can also share your results with Facebook friends for that extra boost of confidence! It’s a great app for any serious runner.

And that’s what I found in my searches — how about you? What apps make your mornings more productive?

About the author

Our staff writers come from various backgrounds in the neuroscience, personal development, brain science and psychology fields. Many started out as with us as contributors!

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