March 7


A Simple “Switch” to Turn Up Kid’s Attention by 30 Percent

By Peter Julian

A recent study of over 2,500 students concluded that praise is more successful than reprimands at getting children to focus on tasks. In experimental classrooms, teachers were trained in CW-FIT, a method that utilizes praise and tangible rewards for students. The research found that children in these classrooms focused 20-30 percent more than those in control classrooms. At issue is the fact that “don’t” statements tend to deplete the brain’s self-control. Teachers should make an effort to use targeted praise as a way to increase student concentration.

Key Takeaways:

  • When we praise our children and give them positive reinforcement, they become better with regards to concentration and focus.
  • Brains respond much better to positive things. When we tell a child not to do something, it depletes the brains executive functioning.
  • An interesting experiment you can do with your brain is to close your eyes and think of a body part itching. Your mind will trick you and make you think your body part is actually itching.

“The research was a randomized control efficacy trial of the intervention “CW-FIT.” Classrooms were randomly selected as “control” classrooms or “experimental” classrooms. In the “control” classrooms, teachers were asked to teach and use their typical classroom management strategies.”

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