March 7


Words of Wisdom for an Aging Population – Part II

By George and Sedena Cappannelli

March 7, 2014

Aging, George Cappannelli, wisdom

by George Cappannelli

(Editor’s Note: In Part I, George began to introduce us to some of the powerful women that have a more positive viewpoint about what can be as we have more and more people crossing over the 50 year mark.  Part II continues with some thoughts from his wife, Sedena.)

Sedena Cappannelli, Author, Co Founder of AgeNation and of the World Council of Wisdom Keepers

“In our new book, Do Not Go Quietly, George and I speak to the issue of living consciously and aging wisely because we believe both are essential keys to learning how to better navigate these challenging times and to better prepare for the remarkable new world that lies ahead. Yes, even with all that is going on in our topsy-turvy world today, in fact because of it, this is a time for tremendous optimism because our challenges give us a clear sign that the old and the no-longer-valuable are breaking down to make way for the new.

Here are a few of the things I believe each of us can do to live lives of greater stability as this falling away occurs.

  • Remember to be true to our dreams, the dreams each of us has come here to manifest.
  • Continue to be open to learning from our stumbles and celebrating our breakthroughs.
  • Commit to a deeper level of healing in all areas of our lives– physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
  • Step more fully into our daily lives with genuine compassion for ourselves and others.
  • Look beyond physical accomplishments, possessions or wealth as the measure of our success, and instead to the quality of our character, our experience and discernment and turn them into the gold of wisdom.

To be successful in these efforts, let us also remember to be guided as much by our hearts as by our heads so that we might better align our thoughts, words and actions with a more elevated consciousness.”

Barbara Marx Hubbard, Author, Visionary, Social Innovator and The Voice of Conscious Evolution

“We are now going through a phase of evolutionary metamorphosis on planet Earth. Our past life is not sustainable. The planetary timing is moving toward the next phase of evolution, devolution or even extinction.

Millions of us are attempting to evolve ourselves and our culture toward a still amorphous undefined society. And none of us has seen this form of society. We might call it a Co-creative Society in which each person is free to be and do his or her best within the evolving whole.

It is my experience that during this process many of us are naturally gaining access to higher frequencies of consciousness which need to be integrated with all levels of our self. And one of the primary keys to success in this integration involves putting purpose first. The key is to yearn with all the passion of your being for your own evolution, beyond the separated state. This does not mean that there is nothing else in your life or that you become a hermit in isolation from others. No, it means you keep your attention on the highest frequency of your being and, to whatever degree possible, bring your Whole Being into harmony with that frequency. A second key is to be compassionate with yourself. You are taking a monumental leap here and helping evolving our species.”

Jean Houston, Author, Scholar, Philosopher, Teacher, Visionary Leader

“We are living in the most unique time in human history. Other times in history thought they were unique. They were wrong. This is it. Often our everyday, local experience is not sufficient for the enormity of the challenges that are laid upon in this most remarkable of times. Many people have lost their belief in our economic system, our health care system or our educational system. The old ways of doing things are no longer working. We are now seeking the emergence of the deeper story. We are seeking our mythic lives.

Do you feel the passion within, urging you to live the greater story of your life? Myth is always about the making of the soul. It is the journey of the heroic soul as you travel from an outmoded existence to an amplified life. In times of breakdown and breakthrough – which we’re in right now – myths arise telling us of the new heroes, new heroines, and of the noble journey we must take in search of the Possible Human both within ourselves and in others.

How do we evoke this emergence? How do we inspire this possible, passionate human so that we may not just survive our time, but thrive, leaving a legacy of a new way of being for our children, our grandchildren and the future? It is only when we have discovered this possibility that we go beyond our pessimism and create a world in which we make a difference. It is in working with myth in a creative manner that we can gain fresh perspectives on our life journey. Myth can take us beyond our ordinary, habitual ways of being to the essence of what we really are or can be.”

Very sound advice and some common themes present in their words of these wise woman. The reminder that crisis always provides opportunity and the prompt that if we are wise we will remember that the only thing that has ever created substantive change is the exercise of the Power of One.

How? When we do our part to heal wounds from the past, complete some of the incompletes that dog our footsteps, forgive those who may have injured us and ourselves for our actions, and live in true gratitude for all that we have–both the gifts and the challenges.

We are also advised to turn down the outside noise and turn instead to that place of silence within us from which real wisdom flows. So at home, at school, at work, in our churches, clubs and community organizations, we have the opportunity to raise the level of the game and navigate the future with greater levels of consciousness and love.

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