July 30


Is Timing Really Everything?

By Staff Writer

July 30, 2018

brain, brain fitness, brain health

Have you been recently wondering when the best time frame to get a specific project done would be? Or maybe you’re just trying to find the time in which your brain can reach its optimal potential. Experts in the country of Israel have found that 9:00 AM seems to be the most valuable time in terms of getting various things completed. This is due to the morning being the time of the day when our brains are most refreshed and vital.

Key Takeaways:

  • Studies in Israel have shown that 9:00 is the best time to participate in productive activities.
  • The 9:00 time frame of course is due to how revitalized and refreshed our brains are at this time.
  • As the day goes on, our memory and other cognitive functions tend to lower in quality.

“”The chart is based on a series of interdisciplinary studies about time and its improbable effects on decision-making processes, emotional performance, lifestyle choices, sociological trends, and more.””

Read more: https://psychcentral.com/blog/is-timing-really-everything/

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