March 18


4 Keys to Life Balance and Well-Being [Infographic]

By Julia Scalise

March 18, 2017

Classics, life balance, positivity, well-being

Updated to include a new infographic summarizing the questions you can ask yourself to see where your life balance stands.  If one area is far higher or far lower than the others, see what changes you can make to get them more in alignment!

by Julia Scalise, DN, PhD

The premise of my doctoral thesis, written many years ago, was in order to be truly healthy and well, you must achieve physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. All these years later, I still believe that is true.

Spring is now in the air. It is a time of rebirth, rejuvenation, and for me, a time of reflection. I was born in the spring and that is when I review the current status of my life. Some people make resolutions and life’s course corrections for the beginning of the new calendar year, but I choose to do a life assessment when my chronological number is about to change.

Each aspect is contemplated and reviewed. Some years have been more in balance than others. I use a rating system “on a scale of 1 to 10”, with 1 being terrible and 10 being perfect, assigning a number value to each aspect and determine where improvement and focus should be for the upcoming year. And without fail, the years where each aspect was more in balance with the others, were the years that felt the most satisfying and fulfilling for me.

How is Your Life Balance?

If you would like to download a copy of  this infographic, use this link: life-balance (2)

It is a highly beneficial practice for everyone to do. Whether you choose to make your assessment for the new calendar year, during this time of rebirth, or for your own birthday month, analyzing your levels of satisfaction and fulfillment and making the needed changes may be the best action you can take for your overall health and well-being.


On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your physical health?

  • Do you need to eat better, exercise more, sleep more, or drink more water?
  • Is it time to drink less alcohol or stop completely?
  • Perhaps you want to quit smoking or surrender other addictions?
  • How is your environment, does it need to be cleaned up?


On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your emotional well-being?

  • Are you feeling loved and nurtured?
  • Do you feel connected to family and friends?
  • Do you surround yourself with positive people?
  • Are you in any verbally or physically abusive relationships?


On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your mental well-being?

  • Does your intellect feel stimulated?
  • Are you utilizing your creative abilities or talents?
  • Do you have a positive outlook on life?
  • Are stress and anxiety ruling your day to day existence?


On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your spiritual well-being?

  • Are you feeling joy?
  • Do you have a sense of adventure and/or purpose?
  • Do you maintain a connection to your Creator or higher self?
  • Are you fulfilling those unique experiences that make your heart and soul thrive with anticipation to begin each day?

Now, review your rankings. Be honest with yourself.

How ‘BALANCED” are you? A high ranking in any one aspect, at the expense of another, can have a negative impact. For instance, if you are so obsessed with physical health that it prevents you from social interactions, you may wish to make some changes. Or are you so focused on living a life of adventure that it alienates you from family, friends or other relationships, and strains your finances to the point of causing stress or anxiety? Any excess in one area can cause a deficit in other areas.

So take some time to assess your life, do your best to take care of YOU, surround yourself with positive people and relationships, stimulate your mental faculties, avoid negative thoughts, and allow moments of joy, adventure, and purpose to enter each day. The secret to living life to the fullest is not about an all or nothing approach. It is truly about balance.

Wishing you health and living your best and most balanced life.

[Editor’s Note:  For information how our BrainSpeak Program can help with YOUR life balance go to]

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