February 4


Peace of Mind from a New Scientific Explanation of Soul

By Margaret

February 4, 2019

Over the years, more and more people are starting to refer to their belief in supernatural instances as a belief in a higher power. They know that there is something more out there in the universe, but they cannot quite put their finger on what that something exactly is. It has been proven that since the beginning of time, human beings have naturally wanted to preserve themselves and maintain self control. Many argue that this preserving mechanism to maintain our whole selves is a reflection of the soul.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many people would not admit it but they believe that there is a God although they refuse from pride to acknowledge him as a God.
  • Many folks want to go with the belief that there is no soul but what they are saying in essence is that man is just mechanical matter.
  • The author believes that the soul is there and that scientists acknowledge it only as something different in living beings.

“Many of us are bailing on the supernatural but what we’re left with is not entirely satisfying. Natural science is missing the most obvious, relevant, meaningful feature of them all – the soul or spirit that we know must be there.”

Read more: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ambigamy/201811/peace-mind-new-scientific-explanation-our-souls


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