July 27


3 Ways To Start Your Day Feeling Good

By Staff Writer

July 27, 2013

Feeling Good

Have you ever noticed that whatever mood you start your day with seems to be the one that stays with you throughout the rest of your day? So if you want to create a great day, you need to feel good right from the very beginning.

There are a number of ways you can deliberately set yourself up to succeed for the day, but here are 3 that Chris Cade shares, and since they happen to be things that most of us also practice at BrainSpeak, we wanted to share them with you.

1. Start your day off with a glass of water.

Better yet, start it off with a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon in it.

Since all you have been doing since falling asleep is breathing, and you are expelling water with every exhale, we all wake up dehydrated.

Coffee will make it worse, so before you reach for that caffeine jolt to help you wake up, drink at least 12-16 ounces of water.

Dehydration can influence the ability to think clearly, along with mood and energy, so getting that water first thing sets you up for a better mood already, without doing anything else!

The lemon juice helps detoxify your liver, just as an added boost (and it tastes good too!).

2. Deliberately do something that makes you feel good

This will be different for everyone. It could be cuddling with your partner, hugging your kids, working out, writing in your journal, meditating. Anything that makes you feel good – and don’t forget to acknowledge those good feelings – will set you up for more good feelings throughout your day.

3. Avoid the news, at least in the morning

The media tends to exaggerate the bad news to attract viewers, and that seems to be working for them!

But it might not work so well for you – having all that negativity in your face as you drive to work, or drink your coffee (OK, now that you have had a nice big glass of water first!) just doesn’t help you move forward on the correct foot.

If you just HAVE to watch it so that you know what is going on in the world, then just hold off until later, after those good feelings you started with have had a chance to gain momentum.

Chris recommends doing this for 30 days to experience big shifts. Once you get into the habit of this, you won’t want to start your day any other way!

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